Monday, November 17, 2008

Efficient Like Me

We all grow up hearing certain things, being taught certain behaviors, and never question them.  For a long time, I have led a lifestyle that questions one of those behaviors.

I do not make my bed.

The way I see it, the point of making your bed is to get the covers up to a position where they are covering you.  I do this anyway when I lie down.  By making your bed, you are adding at least two extra steps to your day every day:
1) placing your blankets so that they cover the whole bed
2) pulling them back down so that you can get in bed
3) [optional] tucking your covers under your mattress.

That third one strikes me as particularly ludicrous.  It only makes both steps 1 and 2 harder.  You can additionally make even step 3 harder by insisting on hospital corners.  Gah!

Bed Makers will argue that it's about restoring order or making your bedroom presentable.  Why do I need to make my bedroom presentable?  What business do guests have checking out my room?  And even if they do, is my point to trick them into thinking that NO ONE in fact lives there?

According to the second law of thermodynamics, entropy or disorder will always increase.  The condition of my bed coverings will be tend towards disorder anyway by virtue of the fact that I am sleeping.  Making my bed only causes an increase in body heat and expended carbon dioxide (due to more frequent breathing), thus contributing to Global Warming.  In these times of awareness concerning energy conservation, I am just doing my part.

I am a bigger believer in efficiency.  I see no point in spending effort to do something that will just be undone 16 hours later.  Next time you see someone's living conditions, before you jump to the conclusion that the person is lazy, consider the fact that they may be merely thoughtfully efficient.


Genie said...

I'm a big believer in efficiency, too, but I am also a big believer in making my bed. I like the idea of untucking a corner of the covers so I can slip in (especially this time of year!), and because my room is so small, an unmade bed makes my entire room look messy. No joke.

Ozimus Maximus said...

After reading your blog, I re-evaluated my plans for the day. I have decided that driving all the way to work would be a waste of fossil fuels. That makes registering my car pointless, so I won't do that, either. Without a legal vehicle, I won't be going anywhere. And I don't want to walk and further contribute to the heat-death of the Universe. So, I have decided to crawl back into my freshly made-up bed and conserve my energy. It's been nice knowing you, world!

Toiling Ant said...

But making the bed makes the whole room look nicer! Doesn't presentation mean anything?

Natalie said...

LOL, I was going to post about how I disagree, but looks like 3 people beat me to it! So I won't bother. :)